FKE Membership.
The association Chairman sits on the Federation of Kenya Employer (FKE) board. Members enjoy the benefits offered by FKE such as being represented by an FKE lawyer in the Industrial Court at subsidized rate.
Members of the association being sued or about to be sued and the natureĀ of the claim affecting PSIA members benefit from litigation fund subject to meeting the prescribed conditions.
The association has challenged and entered into dialogue with the government departments, public and other procurements entities on ensuring that its members and by extension other SMEs are considered in the tender awards. This is in support of recognizing the role played by SMEs.
The Association Continues to work with other members in the private sectors to lobby for condition favourable to SMEs.
Tripartite Meetings
The Association is continuously engaged in tripartite meetings with the Kenya Police and the Kenya Security Industry Association (KSIA) on Cooperation and matters affecting the general security Situation in Kenya.
The Association has asserted it presence and is known and recognized by government ministries, parastatals, the Kenya Police, the Federation of Kenya Employer (FKE), Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) and other public and private bodies.