Welcome to Protective Security Industry Association (P.S.I.A) the preferred home of many of the Country’s registered Private Security Companies. We are once again privileged to join and partner with the E.A. Security Exhibition (Secprotec) in the 2015 Exhibition that as was the case in past events seeks to showcase and bring together leading firms and organizations involved in both the provision of Services and supply of State of the Art Equipment’s needed for combating the ever evolving crime syndicates here and elsewhere in the region. Since its registration by the Registrar of Societies the Association has as required by its Constitution spearheaded the Professional development of its close to 100 Members drawn from all sectors of the Private Security Industry in Kenya. In the course of its rapid Membership growth, the Association has embraced Professional Security Expertise, specializing in areas ranging from Provision of Manned guarding services, Electronic Surveillance Devices, Security and Safety Consultancy, Guard Dogs Services and Training among others. The guiding principle and goal of the Association is to bring together the many and varied players in the Private Security Industry with a view to moulding them into an effective complimentary force to the State National Security Agents. As an Association, we are happy to note and welcome the move by the Government of Kenya to legislate and regulate the operations of the Private Security Industry in recognition of its critical role in the enhancement of overall safety and security for the people and their property in the Country. On this account, we note that the Private Security Regulation Bill has advanced past the Second Reading in Parliament and the Act may be in place possibly before this year end.
Cosmas Mutava